Produced for ClickView in collaboration with the Victorian Department of Education to create a concept welcoming primary school prep children to school.

Each child beginning primary school in Victoria’s State schools are given a library bag full of goodies. We were able to be part of this special tradition by creating MiniHeroes. These character were designed to get kids excited for starting school and act as guides, supporting their understanding of the ClickView platform and their new schooling environment. The project encompassed a drink-bottle with MiniHero branding, a singalong video and supporting teaching resources.

Together with the MiniHeroes, students explore all the new and exciting activities they will do at school - writing their names, painting, playing, taking turns, and being kind to one another.

Written and composed by Alice Donaldson, Ailing Tay and Irene Macias

Artwork by Ailing Tay and Alice Donaldson

Animated by Ailing Tay and Irene Macias